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Issue with Azure Orch - Remove Group Member

  • 9 October 2023
  • 2 replies

We utilize several Azure orchestration functions without issue however when trying to use the Remove Group Member functions which requires the group object ID and an email address. I continue to get the following error returned: “Unsupported referenced-object resource identifier for link property 'members'.”

I’ve attempted when the group is a security group or 365 Group.  I’ve tried with the user in the group and not in the group. In all scenarios I get the same error message.

Now consequently the next step in my workflow is to add the user to a different group.  Which works fine, however if the user is already in the group and I’m trying to add them again (testing logic) I get the same error message “Unsupported referenced-object resource identifier for link property 'members'.”.

Anyone able to use the Remove Group Member and it works?  What am I missing?

2 replies

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With help of Support I resolved this.

Description of function:

Remove Azure AD User from Group

user_object_id: Username of the user
group_object_id: Group ID of the group

Even though the function says username of the user as input, it doesn’t work.  You must first call Get User Details by Username, then pass the Azure ID that is returned to the Remove Group Member.  It doesn’t like username must be ID.  Then the solution works.

With help of Support I resolved this.

Description of function:

Remove Azure AD User from Group

user_object_id: Username of the user
group_object_id: Group ID of the group

Even though the function says username of the user as input, it doesn’t work.  You must first call Get User Details by Username, then pass the Azure ID that is returned to the Remove Group Member.  It doesn’t like username must be ID.  Then the solution works.

