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I seem to only be able to see one agent in the Support Portal when I click on "Switch Agent'. I cannot find any other agent using the Switch Agent search tool. How can I assume identities of other agents so I can see what they can and can't do? Thank you.

Hi Donna,

If an agent has the same role as you, or is an Account Admin/Admin, then you can’t switch to their profiles. Due to security concerns, we basically don't allow users to assume identities of agents with configurational roles (like Admin & Account Admin) who can manipulate the Admin settings.

You will only be able to impersonate the identity of agents with roles lower than yours. I hope that clarifies your query.



Hi Sanofa,

I am the only account admin for our Freshservice instance and I too can only see one agent profile that I can switch to, this profile is also the one with the least access.

This feature is important to admins to check the visibility of service items for agents.



I have agents able to edit\create company wide canned responses, but this is considered an admin task so I am unable to assume their identity.   This is silly.   I have high level staff that are allowed to maintain responses for our team, but they most certainly are not admins.
