Hello @JTAVOLARO, maybe I am missing something, but if the email comes into freshservice from John and John is made the requester then you have his information captured as the requester and can use his requester record throughout workflow.
If you mean you are trying to capture John’s email address before the ticket is created, I don’t believe this is possible since you need action in freshservice to trigger any workflows.
I’m sorry, I am probably just missing your intention.
I’m on @zachary.king line, you can’t as FW only present the ticket to the automation and not when it’s created. There are placeholders for the requesters e-mail
Do you have any use case ?
Hello @JTAVOLARO, maybe I am missing something, but if the email comes into freshservice from John and John is made the requester then you have his information captured as the requester and can use his requester record throughout workflow.
If you mean you are trying to capture John’s email address before the ticket is created, I don’t believe this is possible since you need action in freshservice to trigger any workflows.
I’m sorry, I am probably just missing your intention.
I should’ve given a better level of detail…
we have the option set that when an email is forwarded, the original sender is made the requester. This is necessary for most of my cases.
I have a few instances where we need the requester to be the one who forwarded the message, so I wanted to do a workflow that would change it back to the one who forwarded. But I can’t find where Fresh actually reads the email header
Hello @JTAVOLARO, maybe I am missing something, but if the email comes into freshservice from John and John is made the requester then you have his information captured as the requester and can use his requester record throughout workflow.
If you mean you are trying to capture John’s email address before the ticket is created, I don’t believe this is possible since you need action in freshservice to trigger any workflows.
I’m sorry, I am probably just missing your intention.
I should’ve given a better level of detail…
we have the option set that when an email is forwarded, the original sender is made the requester. This is necessary for most of my cases.
I have a few instances where we need the requester to be the one who forwarded the message, so I wanted to do a workflow that would change it back to the one who forwarded. But I can’t find where Fresh actually reads the email header
It’s a FS mailbox settings to do that. It uses text matching from the e-mail to determent who as the org sender. Example From: name <email@mail.com>
FS picks up the e-mail in side <> and sets it as the requester.
Only works for agents as far as I understand it.