Tener opción de mencionar personas de freshdesk a Jira
- Unfortunately, we would not be able to mention users from Freshdesk to Jira. Currently, we can only mention Freshdesk agents within a note. However, the comments added in Freshdesk will be automatically updated in JIRA, provided the ticket is linked to a Jira issue.
actualizar fecha de vencimiento de ticket de Jira a freshdesk de ambos lados
- You can only choose to map the Freshdesk fields such as Source, Group, Agent, Freshdesk Ticket Number, Freshdesk Ticket URL, Customer Name, Customer Email Address, Customer Phone number, and Company Name to any custom JIRA text field. And this sync can be made only from Freshdesk to Jira and not vice versa. Hence I’m afraid we will not be able to the Jira ticket expiration date.