We search for ticket tool which will help us to manage issues send by our corporate customers in to our mailbox. Customers send us their tickets with their ID numeration - hundreds in a single day. Customer send us standarized Tickets that has their ticket ID in e-mail subject or body, like:
1 to automaticly parse those ID to external ID custom field
2 to automaticly connect several emails containing the same external ID (so we will have order ticket and complaint ticket connected somehow in our ticket system)
3 to add some tags or issue type when e-mail body/description contains specified words (like ,,complaints” - add ,,complaints” tag or when ,,order” - add ,,order” tag) - i found triger that automaticly finds a word in ticket subject but can”t find a triger that search for a word in body/description (in many ticket tools it Is possible , i.E. freshdesk).
Best answer by Akshara209
Hi Zdrodzik,
Thank you for explaining your use case. Please find the answers to your questions below
For the first case --> When an email with the Order ID say - ZA2012106050987 or H/873459876/CNL is being sent to your mail address which is configured Freshdesk can identify if there is an existing Ticket with the same Order ID with the help of a custom app and trigger a Webhook to create a Tracker Ticket and in the future if there is another email sent (say about a complaint) with the same order ID then this complaint will be linked to the Tracker ticket. Please note this can be done with the help of a custom app.
For this if I understood it correctly, you would like to have both the order related email and complaint email merged in the same ticket?
This can be done via Ticket creation automation which will detect the keywords mentioned in the Subject/Description of the email and trigger the corresponding action of Creating a Tag.
We would really like to get on a call to understand further about your use case and assist accordingly :)
Thank you for explaining your use case. Please find the answers to your questions below
For the first case --> When an email with the Order ID say - ZA2012106050987 or H/873459876/CNL is being sent to your mail address which is configured Freshdesk can identify if there is an existing Ticket with the same Order ID with the help of a custom app and trigger a Webhook to create a Tracker Ticket and in the future if there is another email sent (say about a complaint) with the same order ID then this complaint will be linked to the Tracker ticket. Please note this can be done with the help of a custom app.
For this if I understood it correctly, you would like to have both the order related email and complaint email merged in the same ticket?
This can be done via Ticket creation automation which will detect the keywords mentioned in the Subject/Description of the email and trigger the corresponding action of Creating a Tag.
We would really like to get on a call to understand further about your use case and assist accordingly :)
Here is an example of an ticket email we get, can we parse this ticket email description to automatically associate the System Name: ABC123DEF5678 to a Freshservice Asset Tag: ABC123DEF5678
~~~ Hi Jason,
We attempted to patch ABC123DEF5678 on 2024-08-19T13:18:52+0000, but ran into some problems and were unable to complete the operation. Here is a summary of what happened:
Patch Time: 2024-08-19T13:18:52+0000
Organization ID: 12345
System Name: ABC123DEF5678
System OS: 10 Enterprise
IP Address:
Patches: "Windows 11, version 23H2"
Failure: Failed to apply patches (...)
If you need assistance using the product or would like to discuss how to get the most out of Automox, you can reach the Automox team by email at support@automox.com. ~~~