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Project Task API - 401 Error

  • April 2, 2024
  • 1 reply

I randomly get a 401 error when calling ‘Statuses’, ‘Priorities’, and ‘Types’.

This happens in Postman and via my powershell script (v5.1).  The pm API does not work with PSv7.

The odd thing is, the 401 failure does not happen every time,  It does not happen on the same project every time. If it fails, I can call it again and it will work.

I’ve tried inserting a wait timer of 15 second between api calls - that does not solve it.

I never had a problem before 3/20/2024.  The issue started on 3/28/2024.  I made no attempts between 3/21 and 3/27.

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1 reply

Sujitha Dhanaseelan
Community Manager

Thank you for contacting Freshworks community @SteCam . I understand you are experiencing a 401 error. Typically, this error occurs when there is an authorization failure. However, since you mentioned that this issue is sporadic, it is possible that the user whose API key is being used is an occasional agent who may be running out of daypass. To confirm this, we would need to review the logs. Could you please check your DM for us to obtain the request headers and provide further assistance?

Thank you.
