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API Creation of eMail Messages

  • January 18, 2018
  • 1 reply

Creation of eMails Messages.

Hi… I wondered if you could
advise me on the following scenario:

I receive a ticket request for a
password reset. This request includes a third-party eMail address to
which I send the new password to.



Ticket 3920

Please reset the password for and send his
updated password to



So, I reset the password and
obtain the new password 123abc$$

I reply to the ticket requester
using the API.


Dear Ticket Requester:

Per your request, I have reset the
password for

I have sent the new password to the
personal eMail addres

that you have supplied.


Larry Keyes


I also use the API to:

Set the ticket 3920 type to
“Password Reset”

Set the ticket 3920 agent to “Larry

Set the ticket 3920 status to

So far so good.. and thanks
for bearing with me…..

At this point, I have been sending
the updated password

to the user’s personal account by OutLook.

But I’d like to send it via

So, via the API, I would
create a “note” and forward it to


The basic problem here is that I’m
not sending the note to the ticket requestor, but rather to the private
eMail of the person who is getting a new password

BTW I am doing the API calls in
PowerShell, on Windows, which is working very nicely. I will post
code to add to the API code library. Also, I'd be happy to correspond with anyone else who is using PowerShell on Windows to work with the Freshdesk API.


--- Larry

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  • March 1, 2018

Update on the EMail issue:

Last I heard, from FD tech support, FD will not eMail a "third party" address from a ticket via the API as I described in my request above.

My solution to this has been to use the PowerShell Send-MailMessage cmdlet. to send eMails indpendently of Freshdesk.

Example Powershell code:

<# Test SMTP #>
$UserName = "Joe Blow"

$Password = "myVeryFinePassword"
$Body = "<html><body>Dear "+ $UserName+":<p>We have created your new project account:<p>"
$Body = $Body + "<b>User:</b> $UpName<p>"
$Body = $Body + "<b>Password:</b>$Password<p>"
$Body = $Body + "Please log in at your earliest convenience.<p>"
$Body = $Body + "If you require further assistance, please get in touch with us at <p>"
$Body = $Body + "<p>"
$Body = $Body + "<p></body></html>"

$MsgParams = @{
To = $UpName
From = ""
Subject = "New Project Account from Agency Help"
SmtpServer = "mysmtpserver"
Body = $Body
BodyAsHTML = $True


Send-MailMessage @MsgParams