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Building an FDK App with Modern Build Tools


I'm building a sidebar app with the fdk tool.  I'm getting bogus validations errors which should be warnings.

I'm using webpack to build my app.  This was working in the past.  I spend days tweaking webpack.  Now I can't push any changes.

Validation failed due to the following issue(s):
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::131: 't' is defined but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::232: Unexpected empty function.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::390: 'a' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::392: 'n' is defined but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::426: 'a' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::428: 'n' is defined but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::476: 'a' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::478: 'n' is defined but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::512: 'a' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app/contact_sidebar.bundle.js::514: 'n' is defined but never used.


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I have the same problem


Validation failed due to the following issue(s):
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18323: 'regenerator_runtime_runtime__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18331: 'core_js_modules_es6_promise__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5___default' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18425: 'core_js_modules_es6_regexp_replace__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18429: 'regenerator_runtime_runtime__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18433: 'core_js_modules_web_dom_iterable__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4___default' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18440: '_package_json__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_8___namespace' is assigned a value but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18482: 'e' is defined but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18493: 'e' is defined but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18503: 'e' is defined but never used.
[ERROR] app\contactModal\contactModal.js::18568: '_x' is defined but never used.