Analytics or Dashboard help - need to be able to generate a list of any ticket a particular agent ever worked on
I have a student starting and I need to create a report and/or dashboard widget that will list every ticket they have touched in a particular time period in order for me to do QA on their work.
Anyone have something like this?
Bryn @ CYDEF
Best answer by zachary.king
Hello @BrynCYDEF, quick question...are you looking for all tickets the agent interacted with? Not just assigned to? If you need to see all tickets the agent ever interacted with (ex. added a note, updated a ticket, sent a reply from) you most likely will need to create a script to pull the “Activities” data through the freshservice API. If that is something you are looking for, you can DM me and I can share a Python program that you could run locally to get that data (fyi depending on how large your service desk is, you will most likely rate limit out on your api requests but its the best solution I have found so far).
If you only need to see all the tickets that the agent was assigned to you can do that in analytics like follows and then look at the underlying ticket data
Hello @BrynCYDEF, quick question...are you looking for all tickets the agent interacted with? Not just assigned to? If you need to see all tickets the agent ever interacted with (ex. added a note, updated a ticket, sent a reply from) you most likely will need to create a script to pull the “Activities” data through the freshservice API. If that is something you are looking for, you can DM me and I can share a Python program that you could run locally to get that data (fyi depending on how large your service desk is, you will most likely rate limit out on your api requests but its the best solution I have found so far).
If you only need to see all the tickets that the agent was assigned to you can do that in analytics like follows and then look at the underlying ticket data
...are you looking for all tickets the agent interacted with? Not just assigned to? If you need to see all tickets the agent ever interacted with (ex. added a note, updated a ticket, sent a reply from)
Yes exactly - I need to be able to audit the student activity in the tickets for your list above plus splitting or closing tickets, assigning agents etc etc.
So, thanks for the kind offer, I will definitely take you up on that Python program.
...are you looking for all tickets the agent interacted with? Not just assigned to? If you need to see all tickets the agent ever interacted with (ex. added a note, updated a ticket, sent a reply from)
Yes exactly - I need to be able to audit the student activity in the tickets for your list above plus splitting or closing tickets, assigning agents etc etc.
So, thanks for the kind offer, I will definitely take you up on that Python program.