Hello, Does anyone know how to exclude certain status in the computation of tickets within resolution SLA in analytics.
Currently, i created a custom status like ‘cancelled’ - this is for all the tickets being rejected or cancelled.

However, when I used the tickets within Resolution SLA metrics - it includes all open tickets + the custom status i created.

To illustrate, if an agent has 10 tickets, 5-closed(4within SLA, 1resolution violated) , 3 open and 2 cancelled.
SLA should be = 50% ( closed - resoultion violated / total tickets - minus cancelled)
current = SLA is 40% ( closed - resolution violated / total tickets
Sending the actual data for checking:

current : closed - sla violated / total tickets = 92.44%
should be : closed - sla violated / total tickets - minus cancelled = 98.96%
Let me know your thoughts on this. Thank you!