
Average Age of open incidents in freshservice analytic

  • 2 April 2024
  • 3 replies


Hi there, 

Can anybody help me here? 

I want to make a matrix in the analytic site that measure the Average age of open incidents in our dept. 

Is this possible? If so, what type of matrix should be used? 


I have tried for days now, and nothing will give me the result that I am searching for. Could it be that such a simple and used matrix is not just able in Freshservice yet? 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


Are you looking for something like this?


Hope this helps.




Hi Elvis, 


It could be. 


Is that the average time spend on Open tickets that is not yet closed/Resolved, as from it it is created, picked up and are worked on? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi Elvis, 


It could be. 


Is that the average time spend on Open tickets that is not yet closed/Resolved, as from it it is created, picked up and are worked on? 


Yes, it is exactly that.

I have grouped by Status as an example of what you could do, but you could not use the Group By clause (or at least by Status, according to your needs) and you would get the average time spent in tickets while not being resolved.

Check out the Metric filter: Status does not incluide Closed/Resolved, and the metric itself: Overall time spent in Business Hours, using the Average function.

You may add other filters to suit your need.


Hope this clarifies further.


P.S.: Be aware and don’t fall for Spambot responses. I have already reported it.
