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Hi Community, 

Apologies if this has been asked before. Is there a way I can create a wider in Analytics to measure what number of tickets had to be escalated to another team? I would like to measure how many of the incidents the support team had to escalate to 2nd/3rd level to get the problem resolved.

@SLuethi interesting topic , have you ever received any feedback on this request ? Or maybe figures out some sort of work around to make this happen ?

@SLuethi interesting topic , have you ever received any feedback on this request ? Or maybe figures out some sort of work around to make this happen ?


I would go with tags, you add a tag when the ticket is assigned to a specific group. 

@Daniel Söderlund thank you for your swift reaction and suggestion. I had the same initial idea but wanted to check wether there are some out of the box solutions available already. 

@Daniel Söderlund thank you for your swift reaction and suggestion. I had the same initial idea but wanted to check wether there are some out of the box solutions available already. 

Not that I know off, as FS do not save historic metadata on the ticket. 

There is a metric that measures “Reassign Count”. This would only really be of use if your organization only ever escalates tickets up and doesn’t reassign them back down in support levels.

@zachary.king fantastic ! thank you for sharing !

No problem! To track escalated tickets in Analytics, create a custom report using fields like "Escalation Status" or "Assigned Team" to filter tickets sent to 2nd/3rd level support.
