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Show ticketid in Analytics

  • 22 August 2024
  • 2 replies

Is it possible to show TicketID in an Analytics page / report?


I am sending Analytic reports to our customer en the customer wants to see the ticketid's in their report.

How do i create an overview or table containing all the tickets of last month?


Thank you.

Hi @FreddyW,


Greetings from Freshworks community. You can expand the widget and use underlying data to add columns to your table where you can add the ticket ID. Please refer where we have a video recording on how you can add this to your report. 


Feel free to revert back if you require any further assistance. Happy Freshdesking!


Yes, you can actually do it, but you will limited to only a couple of fields. using Group By Ticket ID:


That’s the way we send such report to our customers (on a monthly basis).


