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Anyone know how I could filter solved tickets by how many of the tickets have private notes?
I can’t seem to combine the two in analytics.

Use case : 
I wan’t to find all solved tickets that has no Agent replys and no private notes.

I can’t work out how you’d do this, I can create a widget that shows the amount of tickets you have, and how many private notes are used by the agent, but I can’t add the private notes count to the filter or the drill down.  Might be worth re-posting this as an idea, as I can see how this would be useful.



Hi Broberg, 


Wouldn’t a tabular chart with the following settings give you the necessary result?
I haven’t set any date ranged or time periods, but using the settings below returns it for me, in Freshservice:


@chha I believe that this is relating to FreshDesk, not FreshService

@chha I believe that this is relating to FreshDesk, not FreshService

I believe you’re right, that’s on me. I was under the impression that the analytics modules in Freshdesk and Service were almost identical, but I guess I’m mistaken. Thank you for letting me know :-)

​Hi ​@chha You can raise the issue related to Freshservice on
