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Custom object API

Johnson Jonah

Hello members,


I would like to get the details from the custom object in freshdesk and update the same detail in the ticket field when the ticket is created.


Could you please help me if this is possible? I know we can get the info of a custom object and update a ticket (using API and other method via workflow)


But I’m not finding a way to achieve this, retrieving an info from the Custom Object and updating it in the ticket field when a ticket is created.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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2 replies

Sneha Kandasamy
Community Manager

Hi @Johnson Jonah 


It looks like you are trying to get the Custom object details and update it on the ticket.
1. You can get the custom object details via API:

2. If you have look up relationship with the Ticket or contacts, you can update it during the Ticket creation via API:


lookup_parameter string This attribute for tickets can only be set if Custom Objects is enabled and a lookup field has been added under ticket fields.The value can either be in the form of the display_id (record id) or primary_field_value (user defined record value). The default value is display_id.

To create a Ticket With Custom Object record associated:

1.The lookup_parameter accepts either “display_id” (record ID) or “primary_field_value” (user defined record value)
2.The default value is “display_id”
3.The display_id can be found in the URL of the record. For example: “_0-1”
4.While the primary_field_value is defined by the user. For example: An ‘Order’ record can have an order number - #12345, here the primary_field_value will be “12345”.

Hope this helps.



Johnson Jonah

Hello @Sneha Kandasamy ,


Thank you for your response.


I tried with the webhook but I’m not able to achieve it.


I have the custom object records added as a lookup field for the customer to use it during the creation of the ticket.


Let’s say, I have code number where the customer finds it from the look up field and enters it during the creation of the ticket.


Then when the ticket is created, the custom record with the code which the customer has selected, appears at the right section of the ticket.


The code of the custom object record has its name like a short description, and this name I would like to retrieve it from the selected custom object and update it in one of the ticket field.


So here I beleive that I to do have a Get url first to match the code and then a Put to update the name of the code on the ticket field.


Is this possible in freshdesk API? If you are available for a zoom call or google or teams call now, we can discuss it over a call, so that I can explain it more clearly.


Thanks in advance.



Johnson Jonah
