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How to add an existing asset to an existing ticket with the API?


Pretty much what the title says. I’ve managed to do some pretty cool stuff with the API and PowerShell scripts running on a schedule. Unfortunately, this isn’t something I’ve been able to do.

If someone could provide an example of a JSON File containing the body on how an asset is added, that would be great. So far, this is what I have:


$APIKey = 'MyApiKey'
$EncodedCredentials = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(('{0}:{1}' -f $APIKey, $null)))
$Header = @{}
$Header.Add('Authorization', ('Basic {0}' -f $EncodedCredentials))

$parameters = @{

            assets = @{
                display_id = "8232"

$Parameters = ConvertTo-Json $parameters

invoke-RestMethod -URI '' -Headers $Header -ContentType "application/json" -Method PUT -Body $Parameters


For clarity, that would make the JSON contents:

    "assets":  {
                   "display_id":  "8232"

I probably am missing something but just wanted to see if anyone has any ideas?

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