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Problems Processing Webhook Data in Azure PowerShell Runbook


I have a webhook runbook set up on a hybrid worker in Azure that is written in PowerShell 5.1. When the runbook is triggered, the webhookdata object that is delivered is null. Below is the simple test script I’ve created as a starting point using an example from Microsoft documentation.

When it runs, the WebHookData object that is delivered by the webhook is null.


param (

    [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]

    [object] $WebHookData


if ($WebHookData) {

    write-information $WebHookData

    if (-not $WebHookData.RequestBody) {

        $WebHookData = (Convertfrom-Json -inputobject $WebHookData)

        write-information $WebHookData


    $WebHookData | set-content -path "<some path>" -force

    $VMS = (convertfrom-json -inputobject $WebHookData.RequestBody)

    write-information $VMS


else {

    write-information "WebHookData is null"



At one point, I was receiving data, but at some point, it stopped for reason I cannot figure out.



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