Hello everyone,
I'm using the bulk update FreshDesk API V2 to update tickets status to Resolved (status=4).
When I send a list of ticket IDs, some of the tickets are updated some of tickets not.
Sample of request:
curl -v -u <USER:PWD> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST 'https://COMPANY.freshdesk.com/api/v2/tickets/bulk_update' -d '{"bulk_action":{"properties":{"status":4},"ids":[667243,667639]}}'
Sample of response:
Looking the FreshDesk dashboard the status never change.
When I try to check the progress I had:
{"code":"access_denied","message":"You are not authorized to perform this action."}
However, if try to make a bulk update action setting any other status, it works.
Could you support me, please?