
Problem with Auto Ticket Merger app (merges tickets with closed tickets)

  • 4 September 2022
  • 2 replies




We recently started using the Auto Ticket Merger app. Great app but we just run into a problem.

This app merges tickets based on email address, which is fine in principle. The problem we run into is that the app merges new tickets from the same sender into the old (already closed!) ticket. As a result, we don't see new customer reactions coming in because we only filter on open tickets.

Is there a solution for this? If you can set that only open (!) tickets can be merged, then you are already there.I can't find a solution for this in this app. Someone else? Or maybe someone has another solution (app) for this?


2 replies


It's this app by the way;

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hi @BartX 


Greetings from the Freshworks community!

The 'Auto Ticket Merger' application would automatically add a note when a ticket is merged. You can create a ticket update rule based on the private note added to update the status to filter these tickets. Please refer to the screenshots below for setting up the rule. 


Screenshot of a sample ticket where this rule has been executed when a ticket is merged via auto ticket merger to a closed ticket.



You can then filter the tickets based on ‘open’ status which would include these tickets and you will not be missing out on any tickets. Let us know if this helps :)
