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I was searching for such custom app but unfortunately i found some 2-3-4 years old topics with no resolution. 

Bellow you can find the code to integrate into Agent ticket view a button in order to send the current ticket to solution Knowledge base.


jQuery(document).on('sidebar_loaded', function(event,data) {

jQuery("<br><input class='btn btn-primary' onClick='jQuery.fn.myFunction();' id='helpdesk_ticket_submit_kb' value='Create KBase Article'>").insertAfter("#helpdesk_ticket_submit_dup");


//Create article

jQuery.fn.myFunction = function(){

//alert('You have successfully defined the function!');

//Create Kbase



url: "]/folders/rfolderID]/articles.json",

type: 'POST',

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

dataType: "json",

async: false,

cache: false,

headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa('ayourAgentAPIKEY]' + ":" + 'X')},

data: JSON.stringify('{ "solution_article": { "title": "{{ticket.subject}}", "status": 2, "art_type": 1, "description": "{{ticket.description}}", "folder_id": 17000119974 },"tags": {"name": ""} }'),

success: function(data, textStatus) {



error: function(jqXHR, tranStatus) {







Your choice:
"description" : "{{ticket.description}" can contain also {{ticket.latest_public_comment}} or/and {{ticket.latest_private_comment}}

Great idea... but please provide some details on installing this. I tried adding it as a custom app and it didn't work.

   >yourAPIKEY] -> should be replaced with your API key from Admin view:

On the next page you should see on the right side menu the API section, copy from there and replace in the code. Don't forget to remove the h..] before paste.

Also, you need to replace:

acategID] -> 

folderID] -> 

<script type="text/javascript">

jQuery(document).on('sidebar_loaded', function(event,data) {

jQuery("<br><input class='btn btn-primary' onClick='jQuery.fn.myFunction();' id='helpdesk_ticket_submit_kb' value='Create KBase Article'>").insertAfter("#helpdesk_ticket_submit_dup");

//Create article

jQuery.fn.myFunction = function(){



url: "https://pyoursite]]/folders/dFolderID]/articles.json",

type: 'POST',

contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

dataType: "json",

headers: {"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa('tyourAPIKEY]' + ":" + 'X')},

data: '{ "solution_article": { "title": "\n' + {{ticket.suject}} + '\n", "status": 2, "art_type": 1, "description": "\n' + {{ticket.description}} + '\n", "folder_id": ifolderID]} }',

success: function(data, textStatus) {


window.location = "https://pyoursite]]";


error: function(jqXHR, tranStatus) {









I can't see to get this working on FreshService