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Anyone noticed their solutions page looking odd?

  • 6 September 2013
  • 2 replies

I had a user submit some screenshots of our support portal rendering badly every now and then. Here it's blank, here it's right aligned rather than centred I was able to reproduce this when it was reported by refreshing a whole bunch but didn't have time to debug the cause and now I'm not seeing it but users are still reporting it.

Any one else seeing this? Suggestions?


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2 replies

Hi Rob

Sorry for the trouble caused on this

Could it be on Large screen displays or so ?

I will share this info with my UI Team and get back to you



Hey Vijay, thanks for checking in. I actually haven't seen this happen in some time but it was sporadic so possibly it still occurs, however I have since modified the CSS to make use of the whole screen so it's likely not as noticeable.