I'm experiencing the same issues. I've even pasted my text into a plain text format editor to paste into Freshdesk's canned responses, but even then it reformats the text in an unexpected and undesireable way.
Single-spaced lines appear as double-spaced when Previewing, some text is set at a larger size, etc.
I can see that there is HTML initially being rendered as the canned response is being edited, but there is no ability to edit the source code once it has been processed. If there was a way to edit the source, then maybe we could resolve some of these formatting issues, but currently it doesn't seem possible.
Although we don't have an option to format the canned response in the code view, you can still copy-paste the content in the solution article editor as a workaround and it will allow you to modify the source code. Once the changes are made, you can copy the output from the plain text mode of the editor and create a new canned response.
Not the ideal solution but still very effective as it allows you to code the content right inside Freshdesk!
I am facing this problem for a while now. I have tried using the solution article editor as suggested above but the canned response formats are still inconsistent when inserted into a reply. In most cases, multiple empty lines are inserted. In one case, I inserted the canned response into a reply and saw a lot of space show up between the end of the response and the signature. This space was not there in the canned response. I then copied the inserted response, pasted it to the source editor and selected the option to look at the code. I could see that the following additional lines were inserted at the end of the canned response during insertion. Can you please help?
<p style="">
Same here. Formatting seems okay in the canned responses field, but when it comes to the message box part of it is using a different font! I need to click clear formatting every time to fix this.
Really would appreciate a solution here, it takes all the time some efforts to delete all the unnecessary spaces. Any idea how to solve it??
We've recently upgraded the editor to the latest available version. Can you please check now if the formatting of the copied content gets retained in the editor?
Hello! Unfortunately, I still have the same problem.
In the Canned responses window I have one paragraph (empty) space and in the reply I get to have two.
The font of a specific part is different from the rest. This is still the problem even after I edit the canned response, reset the font, apply, go to the ticket, refresh page and enter canned response with /c shortcut.
I am also finding that I have to make a lot of edits to the formatting of responses. Blank lines added in canned responses that shouldn't be there, lots of space underneath reply template and space above the requester name.
I also find that sometimes when text is formatted incorrectly, using the clear formatting button does not match the highlighted text to the rest of the text.
I like the way that canned responses can be added quickly in Mint but any time saved is taken up by reformatting the response before sending.
Same problem here. The formatting of text is really inconsistent which results in a copy/paste-look of the emails that we send out to our customers. This results in a pretty bad customer experience because it's a direct hint on canned responses.
Removing the text formatting through the option in the editor does not help. Tickets have been sent to the Freshdesk support team, to no avail.
PLEASE fix this issue.
Same problem here.
I use "Email Notifications - Templates - Agent Reply Templates" combined with Canned Responses. No matter what I do, the formatting is not kept in the ticket regarding paragraphs.
Single paragraphs are sometimes doubled, sometimes not, and it just looks like shit.
It is really annoying when you go all the trouble to create good looking emails and then they look like some amateurs´ work at the customer´s end.
You should really fix this!
Just mentioning: One of the biggest competitors (Zendesk) has no problem with this at all.
I'm struggling with the same issue.
First I got extra lines between paragraphs, and now the canned response creates a new line after each first word of a paragraph.
It's proving to be an unusable feature for me, because the quality of the email sent to the requester looks unprofessional, and slapped together without consideration.
Please look into this matter.
Adding the desired content inside the canned response and then by clicking on 'Remove formatting' icon on the toolbar should make sure that the format. font and spacing is adhered as expected.

If the issue still persists, please write to us at support@freshdesk.com and our team should be able to suggest a fix for the same.