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Google Analytics not working on freshdesk

  • 7 September 2012
  • 6 replies

Hi Freshdesk guys,

I'm currently on the 30-day free trial and I setup my domain to work with freshdesk ( I also created a Google Analytics property and added the tracking code to my support portal.

I waited a couple of days, and analytics says the code is not implemented and it's not getting visitor's data.

Any help is greatly appreciated.issue_10891.png
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6 replies

I'm seeing the same thing actually. I set it up awhile ago and kind of forgot about it but I just checked and I have the same error and no data.
Hi Yamil/David

Will check this and update you soon

Hi Yamil & David,

We've identified an issue in Google Analytics integration. We've fixed the problem and it will be resolved by this weekend or mid-week.

Will keep you all posted.

I'm also seeing this issue and it is still not resolved.
Hi Guys,

Sorry we deployed the update yesterday only

Can you remove the Google Analytics Integration once and re-add the GA Code and verify this ?

I just tried disabling Analytics and enabling it back. It works now, thanks for solving this issue.