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Is it possible to set things so that only emails from registered Customers generate tickets?

Alternatively, it seems like the only solution for handling the non-issue-related emails that come to our Support address is to use your Spam and Block/Delete users features after a non-real ticket is generated. Is that right?

Thanks for any tips or insights you can provide.

Hi Paul

You can use the Dispatch'r to trace such Tickets and if anything else comes from USERs/COMPANY not added in the List, you can delete them.

Ensure that all the USERs/COMPANY is associated in your Freshdesk, then go to Admin -> Dispatch'r and create a rule, that says, MATCH ANY CONDITION with DOESN"T CONTAINS - COMPANY NAME - ABC or XYZ or DEF , Set Action as - DELETE the TICKET and SEND EMAIL TO REQUESTER - SAYING, you're not a customer or paid customer etc etc

Hope this helps


Thanks, Vijay, that does help.

I see now how we can either adopt and enforce a formal customer pre-registration policy, or just use the spam & blocking features to prune the tickets list as needed. Nice.