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Newline characters are inconsistent when editing email templates.

  • 14 October 2013
  • 3 replies

After adjusting the default email templates I've found white space to be very inconsistent between the text editor on Freshdesk and the emails I receive.

In Freshdesk's email editor:

Viewed in browser (Chrome) on my Gmail client.

Anyone else?

Hey Luke

I just now tried this in your portal and seems to come up fine.

Please check the screenshot attached.

BTW, did you use ENTER or SHIFT+ ENTER now ? Because SHIFT+ENTER should give you 1 line break


Hi Vijay, thanks for getting back to me.

I used ENTER to add new lines.

While I've resolved the issue on my end, I actually had to copy and paste the default template into a desktop text editor in order to get the layout I was looking for.

I'm using a Linux based operating system, my first guess is that your default templates are using windows or mac line endings. Unix line endings tend to have better cross platform support.

I think others are likely to encounter similar problems, so let me know if I can be of further assistance.

All the best,


Understood Luke

Will pass it on to the Dev Team

