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Hi Team,

I am developing an app with react-native and fresh desk API, I want to ask if there is any way to get a notification on the app(mobile) from Fresh desk so the user may know that his/her ticket is replied by the agent 

hey Team,
I have created this topic a week ago and i was expecting a quick response on it as i am on my deadline here and it seem no one even started to look into this topic,

Please follow my topic and response with the information i asked 

Thanks in Advance

Hello Zain,

The push notifications are confined only for the agents in Freshdesk. We don't have the option to send a push notification to an user when there is an update on the ticket. Let me try suggesting a workaround for you.

Using the webhooks option in Observer, you can trigger a HTTP call to an external source - maybe an event listener in your server. You could then sync your app with the event listener and send push notifications to the customer accordingly. 
