I would like to know if there is any way to send note to a third party (contact, external email).
I have tryed this following request but got an error :
{ "body": "Hello :) ", "notify_emails": ["myman.external@foodomain.com"], "user_id": 123456789 }
And the error :
{ "description": "Validation failed", "errors": [ { "field": "notify_emails", "message": "Accepts only emails of agents", "code": "invalid_value" } ] }
to the endpoint "https://domain.freshdesk.com/api/v2/tickets/1000000/notes" method "POST".
Why i need to do this ? It's because i would like to respond to a forward's response.
I have forwarded the ticket "1000000" to a non-agent email (so an "external"), that external has responded to the forwarded mail, so in Freshdesk this was translated into an internal note. And finaly i would like to respond to that external using Freshdesk API. But when i'm trying to add note and specify his email adress in notify_emails (see request above) i got the error because he is not an agent.
I hope