Want to sync freshdesk portal session information with our application

  • 9 November 2018
  • 0 replies

We are developing a portal for listing tickets, adding note to them using freshdesk built on API.

We can get the proper API response, only that particular contact user session exist in the Freshdesk portal. Otherwise, API is not giving any results. So, we wanted to go with SSO, when we do login in our API application portal we want to be logged in freshdesk portal as well. When we want to logout in our API application portal we want to be logged out of Freshdesk and ours. Is it possible?

We have integrated SSO with freshdesk and API portal successfully, our application and freshdesk api using same SSO endpoints. Now if i configure redirect endpoint as API application URL the session is carried to API application with valid session data. If I use freshdesk portal as redirect endpoint URL session is carried over freshdesk and session is exist in the freshdesk. Is there anyway to sync both sessions, the local API application session and Freshdesk application?

Is there anyway in freshdesk at the time of authentication/setting session another application also share the same session data.

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