Just seeing if anyone else has successfully migrated from basic auth (for their email support channel) to OAUTH2 for Microsoft accounts?
We have the banner along the top indicating of the change, however the steps provided to me do not make sense. (https://support.freshservice.com/en/support/solutions/articles/50000004192-deprecation-of-password-based-authentication-for-google-microsoft-email).
We access Freshservice/Freshworks via SSO. When I go to an email support channel (we have 6) and click ‘Migrate Now’, and click on ‘Sign in with Microsoft’ it brings up the authentication page, which obviously is using MY account (as i’m logged into FS via SSO - AND I happen to be an exchange admin). If I then click the Accept button, the Email Support channel Incoming and Outgoing mail server changes to MY email.
As the Support Channel mailboxes themselves are just mailboxes, they are NOT an agent on Freshservice, neither are they Exchange Admins. So how do I change a support channel email to OAUTH without it changing to my email (or another exchange admins email) AND Freshservice knows which mailbox to check for tickets?