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Supervisor Rule: Requester does not respond after raising ticket

  • 28 September 2023
  • 10 replies

I can’t find anything on this and I’m hoping maybe someone else has come across this or that this can be something useful. 

I’m currently fighting an uphill battle with our requesters and not responding to tickets after they’ve been raised. I recently learned that the Supervisor Rules, when set to run using “hours since requester responded” will not fire since they have to reply AFTER they raise the ticket for the rule to function.

Are there any conditions that people are using to combat something similar? I know there’s a condition that would filter just by how long a ticket has been in a certain status, but I don’t want that to be the only condition if possible.

10 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

We have had multiple iterations of this, currently, FS support suggested this which sounds like your scenario:

“status” is  pending Response

“Hours since agent responded” Greater than x hrs

“Hours since agent responded” less than X hrs 

“Requester interactions" is 0.

Badge +1

Thank you so much! I’d gone through a lot of back and forth with them so far and I was curious if that would help, but wasn’t sure how to count the interactions. Didn’t know if the initial raising of a ticket would count as 1. I’m going to try this and if it works, I’ll come back to update this thread accordingly.

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Thank you so much! I’d gone through a lot of back and forth with them so far and I was curious if that would help, but wasn’t sure how to count the interactions. Didn’t know if the initial raising of a ticket would count as 1. I’m going to try this and if it works, I’ll come back to update this thread accordingly.

Depending on your scenario, you may need to alter the other conditions in the supervisor rule, for our situation, we only wanted the rule to trigger as a reminder after the agent responded and after a specific status.  This may not be the case for your environment if you handle tickets a different way.  You may need a different condition as the additional trigger. Below is what was provided from support for our specific example when our rule wasn’t triggering properly (again):

I have altered the supervisor rule such that, the two conditions  "Hours since reqeuster responded " is changed to "Hours since agent responded " and also added a new condition that says "Requester interactions" is 0.

This means if it has been 28 hours since the agent responded and if the requester has not responded even once, then the email should be sent


Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Question related to this….I am trying to take pending tickets for more than XX hours that have not been updated by the agent.  I have status is pending and hours since agent responded great than XX hours.  I have this set for “match all”.  The rule is not kicking off though.  



Badge +1

Thank you so much! I’d gone through a lot of back and forth with them so far and I was curious if that would help, but wasn’t sure how to count the interactions. Didn’t know if the initial raising of a ticket would count as 1. I’m going to try this and if it works, I’ll come back to update this thread accordingly.

Depending on your scenario, you may need to alter the other conditions in the supervisor rule, for our situation, we only wanted the rule to trigger as a reminder after the agent responded and after a specific status.  This may not be the case for your environment if you handle tickets a different way.  You may need a different condition as the additional trigger. Below is what was provided from support for our specific example when our rule wasn’t triggering properly (again):

I have altered the supervisor rule such that, the two conditions  "Hours since reqeuster responded " is changed to "Hours since agent responded " and also added a new condition that says "Requester interactions" is 0.

This means if it has been 28 hours since the agent responded and if the requester has not responded even once, then the email should be sent


After some back and forth with FreshService support we figured out that to kick off the rule when the requester has not responded at all after submitting the ticket, once x amount of time has passed since the agent responded that the condition should be “Requester interactions is 1”

Apparently ticket submission is considered an interaction, so when we had it set to 0 the rule never triggered.

Badge +1

Question related to this….I am trying to take pending tickets for more than XX hours that have not been updated by the agent.  I have status is pending and hours since agent responded great than XX hours.  I have this set for “match all”.  The rule is not kicking off though.  



I think you have to have a greater than and less than condition for this to fire. 

For example, my rule is
hours since agent responded greater than 60

hours since agent responded less than 62

Also keep in mind that if you make that change it won’t apply it retroactively to any currently open tickets, it only applies to tickets created after you adjust the rule.

Badge +2

What keeps the supervisor rule from constantly triggering every 1 hour until the requestor responds?


So in this instance of

“when the requester has not responded at all after submitting the ticket, once x amount of time has passed since the agent responded that the condition should be “Requester interactions is 1””

Wouldn’t the rule continue to trigger every hour until the requestor responds?

Badge +1

What keeps the supervisor rule from constantly triggering every 1 hour until the requestor responds?


So in this instance of

“when the requester has not responded at all after submitting the ticket, once x amount of time has passed since the agent responded that the condition should be “Requester interactions is 1””

Wouldn’t the rule continue to trigger every hour until the requestor responds?


It might but I can’t say for sure. I believe that the key is having the Greater than and Less than conditions set

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

@amau5 see this post, it might help you with the setup

if any questions let me know

Chaser emails to end users | Freshworks Community

Badge +1

@amau5 see this post, it might help you with the setup

if any questions let me know

Chaser emails to end users | Freshworks Community

Thanks so much, I went ahead and commented in that thread!
