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Hi all,

We’ve had several FreshService workflows running quite happily for a while that get data from our HubSpot CRM. As of this week these are no longer running.

Nothing appears in the execution logs, there have been no changes, and when I “Test Web Request” in the Workflow Automator either nothing happens or I eventually get a timeout message.

"error": "The timeout of 60000 ms has been exceeded when getting a connection to"

The same requests using exactly the same details, including the same bearer tokens, works outside of FreshService for example in Postman. 

Has anyone had a similar issue before or got any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


Hi James,


we encounter exactly the same issue since beginning of this week.

The API call from Freshservice is made, the reponse of the receiving application is send, however never received in Freshservice. The message in the activitylog is "Workflow is waiting for another event Web Request Response

I have raised a ticket to support for this. 




Hi Jelle,

Glad to hear it’s not just us.

As a test, I just set up a new FreshService trial and selected the United States region instead. On this new account, the API calls are working correctly. So I suspect it’s some sort of firewall problem. I’ve also raised a ticket with Fresh and will let you know what they say.


Hi Jelle,

Just to update you, we’re not having much luck with the issue currently. Fresh have said that “we have checked with the team and see no firewall or network settings changes” and we’re continuing to escalate within HubSpot. 


Hi Jing,


We received an workaround from Fresh.

By adding a header to the webrequest, the issue is solved for now. Fresh will apply a fix soon.


Hope this helps.



Thanks so much Jelle! That works for us too. 
