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The built-in "Automatically assign ticket to first responder" automation is sometimes not executing. I can see from the ticket’s history/activity that it did execute for one coworker agent and myself, but not for another 2 coworker agents. The difference is that the first coworker and I are part of the same Group, which is the default group that all incoming tickets go through. The other 2 coworkers are not part of this Group, but were the first, and only, agents to respond to the tickets.

Do ticket automations only run within a given Group? If so, how is this configured?

I’ve not yet seen it fail, can you post a screengrab showing how you have it setup?

Like I said, it is the built-in ticket automation "Automatically assign ticket to first responder", unaltered:


To my knowledge there isn’t any pre-configured automations - when you sign up you have a blank canvas.


Yours is setup the same as mine - do you have Execute All Matching Rules enabled?


Maybe in general: randomly (there is no recognizable pattern) workflows seem to just not execute, i see that happening (as i check incoming tickts throughout the day for the entire corporation) occasionally for no reason. no reason i say because as example:

Service request is filled in, flow executes accordingly, assignments, categorization etc. are applied correctly.

same service request form comes in another time, remains unassigned and uncategorized, activity log does not show the matching workflow being executed.

Verification: flow responds to specific request item (in this case the same) with a specific subject (again, the exact same in both cases).

It seems to be just one of the ‘features’ of FreshService that while most times the flows DO execute, sometimes they just won’t for no reason at all.

I am talking about Freshdesk, as this post is in Community → Using Freshdesk.

@RobCrossHM Freshdesk does have several pre-configured ticket automations, including the one I am talking about:

Yes, I have “Execute all matching rules”.

Again, the rule in question is sometime executing, sometimes not. Details in my original post.


Hi @ShaunMetrics 


Greetings from Freshworks Community. 

Would you be able to share screenshots of the show activities of the tickets where the automation rule should have got executed but did not? Also, kindly confirm if the agent added a reply or public note on the ticket and yet the rule did not work as expected. 

Looking forward to hearing from you. 


Thank you,

@hemanth.ramya Here is a screenshot of a ticket where the automation executed. “Charles” is the agent, “Shaun” is the customer.


Here is a screenshot of a ticket where the automation was NOT executed. “Kareem” is the agent, “Shaun” is the customer.

All agent replies were public replies. Please review my original post for what I’ve observed as the difference b/t the 2 tickets where the automation executed, and the 2 ticket where it did not.

Thanks for the sharing the ticket samples in both the cases, @ShaunMetrics.

We would like to understand if for the ticket where the automation rule did not get executed, 

  1. Was Kareem’s reply the first response on ticket?
  2. Was there any other agent assigned to the ticket? 
  3. Was there any group already assigned to the ticket? 

Complete screenshots of the reported ticket show activities would be helpful. Also, this happens only for agents who are not a part of a particular group? 

Looking forward to hearing from you. 



@hemanth.ramya To respond to your questions:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Yes, the Customer Support group, which is the default group that all incoming tickets go through.
  4. I have not tested this for all agents in all groups. The 2 successful tests were for agents in the Customer Support group. The 2 unsuccessful tests were for agents not in the Customer Support group, and they are in 2 different groups. That’s why I said in my original post:

Do ticket automations only run within a given Group? If so, how is this configured?

Complete screenshot of successful test:


Complete screenshot of unsuccessful test:


Maybe in general: randomly (there is no recognizable pattern) workflows seem to just not execute, i see that happening (as i check incoming tickts throughout the day for the entire corporation) occasionally for no reason. no reason i say because as example:

Service request is filled in, flow executes accordingly, assignments, categorization etc. are applied correctly survival

same service request form comes in another time, remains unassigned and uncategorized, activity log does not show the matching workflow being executed.

Verification: flow responds to specific request item (in this case the same) with a specific subject (again, the exact same in both cases).

It seems to be just one of the ‘features’ of FreshService that while most times the flows DO execute, sometimes they just won’t for no reason at all.

