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I am hoping someone can help. We are using email commands (@simonsays) to log tickets from emails populate fields such as category, group etc. These emails come from another system so we dont want to use the from address as the Requester. We achieve this by using the email command to write the email address as a string to a custom field and then use a Webhook to copy this text to the Requester field as below. This all works well.

However we now have a requirement to add another email to a custom dropdown list that is also using the requester table. This dropdown is called “Person_Search” I am completely stumped as to what I need to put in the Webhook to replace the “email”. I have tried “Person_Serach”, “Person_Search_Email”, “lf_Person_Search” (and all the other endings and also. 

"custom_fields": {


Any ideas? 


As that is a Custom field, you need to double check how FS API system is naming internally your custom field.

As per your screenshot, you’re using the Advanced mode.

I’d suggest to create a dummy workflow with action Trigger Webhook.

Set a Request Type to POST, set a valid callback URL, set it to Simple.

Then, in this view, in Contents, you will see your custom fields (Visible name) and next to them you will see the internal name.

You could grab the corresponding part of it for your given custom field (excluding the “ticket.”



Hope this helps.



Just a matter of curiosity:

Are you performing actions to webhooks to FreshService itself? What about using Web Request node?


