I am new to Freshservice and managed to start using the Employee Onboarding via Orchestration.
Unfortunately, I tried all my best and failed to achieve below Tasks.
Office & WebPage Field using Custom Attributes
Created User Move to their respective OU based on the Department they selected when filling up the form
For Custom Attributes i tried all my best but didnt succeed and even got support from Freshservice - they are keep saying check your AD or with Microsoft.
Manual way through Powershell on native works.
Can any of you if experienced such help me out ?
This would really be helpful
Much Appreciated
Best answer by zachary.king
ayounkh123 wrote:
@zachary.king Thanks Zachary for your detailed explanation. I was already trying this Custom Object methods for Departments followed by AD OU path - Have used the Reader but unfortunately couldnt able to solve this for now.
Can you guide in which format you have defined the OU path ?
Mine you can see as attached - Maybe the format i am using is wrong ?
Thanks for your help on this
That format looks correct to me. It is similar to what we are using. If you were to copy the contents of that record and just hard code that into the Path field of “Create User” does it place the AD user in the correct location?
@ayounkh123 custom attributes can be tricky and what I ended up needing to do is to try them one by one to make sure I got the syntax right. Also for your onboarding form is it a free text field or a drop down selection menu that you present to the one filling it out?
Regarding the move user I think that may be an extra step not needed as you can define the OU that the user is created in using the Create User app action. Here is a sample of our custom attributes code that we have in our onboarding automation that populates data based on drop down and free form selections:
Hello @ayounkh123, two great questions and @keefe.andrews has shown a great way to handle the custom attributes portion. Regarding filling in the Office field of an AD User, I have reached out to support to ask them to add that as an available field into the orchestration application. Word is that they are working on it.
To get the AD User you created into the correct OU, what we did, was create a custom object that has records with some fields needed for new hires, like Job Title, Domain, Cost Center, AD OU Path, and AD Groups. Then we reference those fields after reading in the record inside of workflow orchestration app nodes. So in the Create User app node for the field “Path" I can then reference the OU path from the record. When the user is created it drops them into that OU automatically.
@zachary.king Thanks Zachary for your detailed explanation. I was already trying this Custom Object methods for Departments followed by AD OU path - Have used the Reader but unfortunately couldnt able to solve this for now.
Can you guide in which format you have defined the OU path ?
Mine you can see as attached - Maybe the format i am using is wrong ?
@zachary.king Thanks Zachary for your detailed explanation. I was already trying this Custom Object methods for Departments followed by AD OU path - Have used the Reader but unfortunately couldnt able to solve this for now.
Can you guide in which format you have defined the OU path ?
Mine you can see as attached - Maybe the format i am using is wrong ?
Thanks for your help on this
That format looks correct to me. It is similar to what we are using. If you were to copy the contents of that record and just hard code that into the Path field of “Create User” does it place the AD user in the correct location?
@zachary.king Well I have tried both steps even the create user and Move OU. It's doesn't move the user profile.
It would be helpful if you can share what kind of field and in which format you are using Custom Objects where you have linked the AD OU Path ?
Thanks again
This is how we refer to the field in the Create User action Node
The reader node is simply associated to the correct custom object and then returns a result based on one of the object fields matching a value from the onboarding request
We have a conditional block after the reader node to check and make sure a custom object record was returned. From there we then can access the remaining Object Fields of that returned record, including AD OU Path.
My suggestion is make sure you have that conditional block there checking that the reader node returned a record. Then I would start with simply adding a note to a ticket that prints out the value you get when you reference the AD OU Path. This will insure you are sending the OU path in your “Create User” action node in the correct format.
Hi, can anyone please help me with the “OU Path” format we need to specify in custom object? Currently, we are using the OU path format as - fourwinds/RCM/Users