Hi all,
I wanted to start an open discussion about the Neo Admin Center (AKA: OrgV2).
We were asked to ‘upgrade’ to the Neo Admin Portal in August ‘21 and have been struggling with it since. These three major problems are creating a lot of extra work for us:
Customers not receiving activation/password reset emails
This is due to these emails being sent from freshworks.com. Before the Neo Admin Center these emails used our domain to send these emails. Many of our customers block emails from freshworks.com. The outcome of this is a large increase of tickets to resolve such issues. I would be interested if anybody else has experienced this.
Customers asking for confirmation that a password reset or activation email is legitimate
When a customer activates their contact or asks for a password reset they receive an email from freshworks.com with nothing in the body of the email to identify that it’s from us. This leads to them raising a ticket with our Customer Support asking to confirm this. Being able to customise the sending email address to one of ours and allowing us to edit the content of the activation/password reset email to help identify that it’s from our company would stop this.
All Admins being spammed with 2FA reset requests from Contacts
We have a large instance of 680 Agents covering multiple departments with a dozen of them with Admin permissions. When a contact requests a two factor authentication reset all of admins get an email making it very hard to properly manage (Multiple admins react to the reset causing contacts to receive numerous resets). Surely it would be more sensible to be able to configure an email address for these resets allowing them to be directed into a ticket?
We have open enhancements for these requests and were promised they would be actioned promptly but so far nothing has been done.
I would be interested in any other feedback from Freshworks customers on the subject of the Neo Admin Center.