
Delay responses

  • 11 January 2022
  • 25 replies

Userlevel 3

Is it possible to schedule or delay the responses to the TICKETS for the start of the next business hours?


Gustavo Santa

25 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Hello @gasantao,


Are you referring to scheduling customer emails (responses) being received on tickets in your helpdesk? If so, we do not support this at the moment, unfortunately. Can you please elaborate more on why you are trying to achieve this to understand better? Looking forward to hearing your insights.


Thank you.

Userlevel 3

Hello Ramya

I want to answer the tickets at unskilled hours and that the client receives them at the next business time. I do not want you to know that we work during business hours (night or holiday).

Thank you

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hello @gasantao, as of now we would not be able to schedule or delay responses in Freshdesk. It is solely to ensure the SLA framework is not impacted. If scheduling is possible, it would hamper how the First response SLA is calculated hence skewing the agent metrics. 

We would suggest you to share your usecase in our idea’s section for our product team’s viisbility. Have a good day!

Userlevel 3

I don't understand why it would hinder the way the SLA is calculated. It is about delaying the delivery of the response, and for the calculation of the SLA consider the date and time in which the agent makes the delivery.

Badge +1

I second this. It is important for our team to push most responses during business hours to manage expectations.

Userlevel 1

I third this! Id like agents to be able to reply outside of business hours and messages are only sent during business hours. 

Can’t we bypass or pause the SLA when we have a waiting for 3rd party ticket. We have a vendor update we that is being pushed out next week and it would be fantastic to have these responses scheduled to let end users know that the fix has been implemented. 

Userlevel 1

Is this feature on the road map?

Userlevel 1

I am 100% in agreement that this feature of scheduled responses should be available.

If this impacts the SLA in any way that should be for us to decide. This would be a huge benefit for us to have this as opposed to waiting to reply during the scheduled business hours. 

Customers are always getting confused as to what our business hours are when they get responses during non business hours.   

When are the scheduled responses going to be available?  Thank you. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +5

There is a timer node feature of workflows that is currently in beta. See this article. Not sure if this helps any.

Userlevel 1

Strong vote for supporting scheduled responses.

Userlevel 1

Hello Ramya

I want to answer the tickets at unskilled hours and that the client receives them at the next business time. I do not want you to know that we work during business hours (night or holiday).

Thank you

Yes me too. This would be super helpful for me as well. 

I’m upping this with 100 votes. :-) 

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi everyone,


We don’t have an in-app feature to achieve this currently. However, you can try the app “Schedule Reply for Freshdesk” available in our marketplace. Using the app, you would be able to schedule replies to be sent out to your customers from Freshdesk. Here’s the link for the app:


Thank you!

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone,


We don’t have an in-app feature to achieve this currently. However, you can try the app “Schedule Reply for Freshdesk” available in our marketplace. Using the app, you would be able to schedule replies to be sent out to your customers from Freshdesk. Here’s the link for the app:


Thank you!


Someone from your team showed me this yesterday but we found out this addon is on hold it’s not working at this point in time. Just an FYI… Dated: 8/4/2022 :-) 

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi @miekekeith,


Looks like the app is live and you would be able to access the app from the reply editor inside ticket details page. 

If you still face any issues, kindly write to us at along with your Freshdesk URL and our team will check that for you.



Userlevel 1

Hi @miekekeith,


Looks like the app is live and you would be able to access the app from the reply editor inside ticket details page. 

If you still face any issues, kindly write to us at along with your Freshdesk URL and our team will check that for you.




Hey The app is there but it’s not working. I talked to freshdesk support already a week ago and they said it’s no longer working. 

See here the reply I received, we tested this app, if you can get it to work that’s great, please show me how though. I need it. lol



Badge +5

Not having this feature cannot be blamed on SLAs.  We can define SLAs for business hours and should be able to use this elsewhere, including time triggers for automations.

Userlevel 1

so, can’t believe this still isn't ready for us…  what's the hold up? I tried “Schedule Reply for Freshdesk” and it doesn't work, going back and forth with the developer and I don't get why Freshdesk doesn't just implement this themselves with customers asking… 

I want to be able to set the day and time a reply is sent, just like in outlook… as a former product manager for Fortune 500 companies, I’d be happy to be on payroll to get things moving over there. 

Badge +2

What is the status on this feature? Is it implemented right now? Is it on the roadmap? @freshdesk pleasw give us an update. It’s important for many companies.

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hey @marc_15454 ,

I hope you’re doing well!

Yes, “Schedule reply for Freshdesk” works perfectly now. You can choose a specific time at which the reply should be sent to the Client.

One thing you have to note is that, it doesn’t support Attachments. you can only send a Plain text email.

Jebas D.

Badge +2

Hey @Jebas ,


are you sure ?
Because @miekekeith reported that it is NOT working 6 months ago and the last update of the app is older (like 9 months ago) ?!


Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hey @marc_15454 ,

Yes, it works, I just tested it out to confirm the same.

9months ago is the published Date.

Please do try this out.

Jebas D.

Badge +2


Yeah i tested it also.
It is working, but not rly nice. Its more like a developer feature test, not like a releaseable function.
its not possible to add attachments, and its also not possible to send pictures in the answer (because its only allow the message to be 4KB in Size, and just a “signature” image is way more then 4 KB).

So yeah, technically its working, but without any business value.

We need @freshdesk here to implement this feature the right way. with big answers, pictures, attachments and so on …



Userlevel 2
Badge +6

@marc_15454 ,

Yes, I absolutely agree with you. It would be great to have this as a Native Feature in Freshdesk.

Please post this in the “Ideas” form so that community can upvote this and get noticed.


Badge +2

@gasantao  @hemanth.ramya @sonit @black.jmyntrn @seanjh @drew parker @Chris Sherlock @Jim Bradley @miekekeith @gzimmerman @Jebas 

Please upvote this Idea, so freshdesk see how important this is and hopefully will implement it recently:

