I've recently modified the Content Security Policy of my website by removing https://www.google.com as an allowed domain to be used.
I've replaced that domain with https://recaptcha.net, which, according to their documentation, provides the same functionality while reducing the cookies that may be set by the www.google.com domain. You can find more information here: https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq#does-recaptcha-use-cookies
However, since making this change to the CSP, the widget no longer functions.
I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask:
1. Is there any way to configure the widget to use https://www.recaptcha.net instead of https://www.google.com?
2. Is there any possibility to configure the widget to use ReCaptcha V3? This new version is simpler and less intrusive for users.
Thank you in advance.