Something that really surprised me is Freshdesks inherent lack of time tracking functionality. All of it seems to be baked into Time Sheets which appears to be quite out-dated and even broken. The Time Sheets, for example, only export partial data. The widgets in the Analytics tool are curated-only, and although you can customize them, you can’t save your customized widgets inside of that curated report.
I am curious if anyone has come up with any creative solutions to help them understand how much total time, and average time their Agents spend inside of tickets based on the Time Logs data. This one is really holding us back right now reporting-wise, and I just don’t see why Freshdesk has limited the functionality that appears to already exist.
For example - I can go into the curated report and manually edit the widget to provide me average time tracked data, but I cannot save this widget. My changes are lost as soon as I leave the widget. This is so bizarre.