I have a strange case. A customer created a ticket from email. Then he tried to create a new ticket, and his mail has been added as a reply/note to existing one. We use placeholders which also has ticket.id in the subject. What could be the problem of this confusion?
Best answer by BrynCYDEF
manovades wrote:
Well, the case is:
Requester created ticket by sending an email to my instance.
Requester did the same steps to create a new ticket from sending a mail again, but this time the content from the mail was added as a note to an existing ticket.(It should create a new one).
I wonder if it is regarding the content of the mail, maybe the placeholders of the subject the way my instance recognize tickets. What should be the best placeholder syntax, I saw this solution, currently I use: #{{ticket.id}}.
Is it possible that defiantly it shall be: [#{{ticket.id}}]?
FS uses routing text hidden on emails (1pt white colour) in order to thread replies that might have their subject line changed.
So if your customer used a Reply All or another email chain to start a new conversation it could still have this routing info embedded which would explain why the reply went under an existing ticket.
This is the routing text as displayed on an email with a dozen replies.
As a general rule, I ensure that all my Subject Lines are always the same (e.g. Agent Reply Template, New Ticket Template, Auto WF that I created). This will help ensure smooth threading of open tickets.
I also use this everywhere: {{ticket.subject}} - [#{{ticket.id}}]
For advisory emails like “Ticket updated” or “Ticket resolved” - I do send out these emails the Subj line never changes from Subject + ID.
Just willing to understand your issue by double checking:
User sent an email to your FD Email Instance.
Ticket NNNNN was created.
User logged as requester to your FD Instance.
User placed a new incident in your New Incident form in your FD instance, ID YYYYY
This new Incident YYYYY automatically merged with your incident NNNNN, but it is not shown as merged, but as standard update from customer on Incident NNNNN?
There’s a couple of app in the Marketplace that can monitor ticket creation from same requester on a certain time spam, and avoid creating duplicate / additional ticket.
Requester created ticket by sending an email to my instance.
Requester did the same steps to create a new ticket from sending a mail again, but this time the content from the mail was added as a note to an existing ticket.(It should create a new one).
I wonder if it is regarding the content of the mail, maybe the placeholders of the subject the way my instance recognize tickets. What should be the best placeholder syntax, I saw this solution, currently I use: #{{ticket.id}}.
Is it possible that defiantly it shall be: [#{{ticket.id}}]?
Requester created ticket by sending an email to my instance.
Requester did the same steps to create a new ticket from sending a mail again, but this time the content from the mail was added as a note to an existing ticket.(It should create a new one).
I wonder if it is regarding the content of the mail, maybe the placeholders of the subject the way my instance recognize tickets. What should be the best placeholder syntax, I saw this solution, currently I use: #{{ticket.id}}.
Is it possible that defiantly it shall be: [#{{ticket.id}}]?
FS uses routing text hidden on emails (1pt white colour) in order to thread replies that might have their subject line changed.
So if your customer used a Reply All or another email chain to start a new conversation it could still have this routing info embedded which would explain why the reply went under an existing ticket.
This is the routing text as displayed on an email with a dozen replies.
As a general rule, I ensure that all my Subject Lines are always the same (e.g. Agent Reply Template, New Ticket Template, Auto WF that I created). This will help ensure smooth threading of open tickets.
I also use this everywhere: {{ticket.subject}} - [#{{ticket.id}}]
For advisory emails like “Ticket updated” or “Ticket resolved” - I do send out these emails the Subj line never changes from Subject + ID.