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Response SLA Functionality

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As I understand it, the Response SLA measurement starts when a ticket is created and stops only when a reply/note is sent to the requestor on that ticket.

If an agent was to pick up the phone and advise the requestor that they are working on the ticket, this would not be recorded as a response so the Response SLA Clock keeps ticking. Or if an agent responded in person, they would then need to follow up with an email just to stop the response clock. I don’t believe there is a way for an agent to indicate that a response has been made.

Additionally, if the Ticket is resolved before the Response SLA is due and no “official” response has been recorded, the Response SLA value will be blank. In this instance, the Ticket would have been resolved within both Resolution target AND Response target, but from a reporting perspective no response was made, therefore we can’t count this SLA as having being met. This can be adjusted when reporting via Power BI, but seems to be a flaw in the basic design of SLAs.

In order to drive a higher SLA Response score, it would seem that we need to force agents to always reply to the requestors to stop the clock. So more personable approaches of actually phoning the requestor or visiting in person are of little value to the response score. 

What really matters is whether the requestor was contacted and updated in a timely manner (i.e. within SLA), but only being able to record email contact is limiting and potentially drives counterproductive behavior.

How are other people handling this? Do you insist agents always email to acknowledge their tickets and thereby met the response SLA? Is there another way to meet the Response SLA requirement?


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Skilled Expert
  • Skilled Expert
  • 746 replies
  • May 17, 2024


SLAs can be customized to your needs, in most cases.

The SLA timer is tied to what you have specified in ticket status:


The First Response SLA Violation metric indeed counts a response being sent to the requester.

I would think that this might integrate with FreshCaller or other FW product in order to consider the Phone call option, but yes, ticket needs to have that information updated.




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  • May 17, 2024

Understand you can adjust when the SLA Clock runs and what the targets are. My query is more around what constitutes a response, and given that it only measures one form of response am interested to know how other people workaround this.


Skilled Expert
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  • May 18, 2024
MT81 wrote:

Understand you can adjust when the SLA Clock runs and what the targets are. My query is more around what constitutes a response, and given that it only measures one form of response am interested to know how other people workaround this.


A response is any kind of reply done on the actual ticket:

If a response is given by phone, the system would not know the response was given. Agents need to update the ticket.

Same applies to go on site. If they show up on the requesters office / desk and do not set any kind of response on the ticket, the system does not know they are attending it. If agents are Field agents, they could use the FreshService mobile app, and add an initial response while in the go, so the ticket be properly updated in a timely fashion.



  • Author
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  • May 18, 2024

Can you clarify exactly what the Agent can do on the ticket to make the Response SLA met. Add a note to the ticket that goes to the requestor? Anything else?


Skilled Expert
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  • 746 replies
  • May 20, 2024
MT81 wrote:

Can you clarify exactly what the Agent can do on the ticket to make the Response SLA met. Add a note to the ticket that goes to the requestor? Anything else?


Yes, Add a Public Note or a Reply.


