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  We were using {{ include_attachments }} in our workflows when sending emails and approval requests but it no longer works. Approvals requests no longer include attachments and sending emails using workflows also fails to include attachments:

Hi {{}},

A new Service Request has been submitted for your approval.

Request Summary

{{ticket.subject}} (#{{}})

Requester: {{}}
Priority: {{ticket.priority}}
Status: {{ticket.status}}




For Approval/Reject Link click here

You can also approve/reject the request by replying to this email with only one of the following words as the first line of the mail - 'Approved, Approve, Rejected, Reject'.


Can you guys revert the changes you done? I guess the problem is that this url is no longer returning attachments which was working fine until two weeks ago:{{ticket.id_numeric}}?include=attachments
I also have ticket opened, but wondering maybe someone already encountered this issue and solved?


When I attempt to make an API call of that nature I get this response:


    "description": "Validation failed",

    "errors": s


            "field": "include",

            "message": "It should be one of these values: 'tags, conversations, requester, stats, problem, assets, impacted_services, change, related_tickets, requested_for, department, feedback, changes, onboarding_context, offboarding_context'",

            "code": "invalid_value"


The functionality must have been removed.  It’s also not found in the API documentation:

If you do a regular call to the API for just the ticket however it does return the array of attachments:{{ticket.id_numeric}}

So maybe the ‘?include=attachments’ filter is no longer required?

Yea, noticed this too. Ai Freddy also suggested to use same url i was using, but yea, like you say, Freshervice changed something which broke this completely. 

@MDavies was your API call to a ticket or a service request? Because if i check my service request with attachments it returns nothing. 


This was a Service Request.

I’ve just tried an Incident and an API call to that returned attachments.

I’ve then converted it to a Service Request and an API call to that also returned attachments.

I’ve created a Service Request via a Catalog offering and an API call and this also returns attachments.


That’s a weird one. Why for me it do not return when i do GET:

URL Looks same as yours.


How is your ticket being generated?  Are they Child Tickets?  Are they something to do with the Onboarding/Offboarding module?

It’s just a service request with a few custom fields and allow upload attachments option, pretty simple. So end user fills the form, uploads attachments, when i would send approval request and include attachments but that’s broken for me. 

Sadly I think something might not be right with your environment.  Hopefully Support can fix this for you soon.

@MDavies support confirmed that there might be a bug:

Upon checking internally, I noticed that this has been reported as a bug for Growth plan instances. I could also find a bug ticket which has been worked on by the Product Team.

Update from support:

  fix should be deployed for this bug in the next two - three days
