We were using {{ include_attachments }} in our workflows when sending emails and approval requests but it no longer works. Approvals requests no longer include attachments and sending emails using workflows also fails to include attachments:
Hi {{approval.member.name}},
A new Service Request has been submitted for your approval.
Request Summary
{{ticket.subject}} (#{{ticket.id}})
Requester: {{ticket.requester.name}}
Priority: {{ticket.priority}}
Status: {{ticket.status}}
For Approval/Reject Link click here
You can also approve/reject the request by replying to this email with only one of the following words as the first line of the mail - 'Approved, Approve, Rejected, Reject'.
Can you guys revert the changes you done? I guess the problem is that this url is no longer returning attachments which was working fine until two weeks ago:
I also have ticket opened, but wondering maybe someone already encountered this issue and solved?