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List of supported Liquid Filters in Freshservice

  • April 29, 2024
  • 7 replies


Is there a list of all the liquid filters that are supported in Freshworks products? The solution here only points to a Github repository of some of the filters that shopify has and even in this list not everything is supposed inside of Freshservice. 

Link mentioned in article:

I also noticed that some liquid filters don’t process correctly inside of an Expression node compared to a Action Node that adds a note. I stopped using liquid filters in Expression node after awhile due to having no way of knowing what syntax problem I am running into whether it is with the filter or Expression node itself. 



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  • Community Debut
  • 7 replies
  • July 26, 2024

I want to bring this thread back to life as I am working on an email parser to get table data.  I am trying to get an HTML table from an email.  While you would think this is easy, it appears that the expression node transforms the HTML when you paste or access the data.  It is essentially manipulating the data before my eyes.

Anyone found a way around this behavior?

Prasanth Sampathkumar
Community Debut

Hi Rawilkins,

We need further details to assist you with this query. We'll ask the support team to reach out and provide additional help.

  • Community Debut
  • 7 replies
  • September 3, 2024

Prasanth,  I don’t think its an issue with support.  I will chat with them on my weekly call on Tuesday, but this might be designed behavior so that you don’t allow scripting in the notes or description, but it is very frustrating trying to use a substring expression and get everything in-between table tags when they are parsed in the node.  What I am really looking for is consistent behavior, not one way when in the workflow editor, one way when the ticket is actioned, and a completely separate when testing the node. 

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  • September 4, 2024

Thank you Dino for following up on this. 

I saw a ticket was support created for me and completely forgot about it since they labeled to source as phone. 

Prasanth, I will follow up with you via the ticket as well as provide my examples here when I find them again as this is from 4 months ago and need to refresh on what I went away from doing. 



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  • February 24, 2025

I just submitted a very long update to this but seems it was sent into the being reviewed by moderators queue. If it doesn’t show up within a week or so I will have to format the post again or just attach a document instead. 

  • Apprentice
  • 2 replies
  • March 25, 2025

@rawilkins Do you have any updates on your findings?

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  • March 26, 2025
CMagin wrote:

@rawilkins Do you have any updates on your findings?

I did find some more of which ones work and which ones don’t. Since the community manager essentially ate my very large post I need to create it again. I was working on identify which word triggered a conditions  get matched from  “subject has any of these words” stuff so was side tracked. 
I was able to find some filters that worked that weren’t listed too. Such as 

Raw (Not listed on initial site but found on )

Outputs any Liquid code as text instead of rendering it. **Can’t be used on itself**


{{% raw %}}

 {{2 | plus: 2}}

{{% endraw %}}



{{ 2 | plus: 2 }}
