The introduction of ticket sharing was a feature that I have been waiting for over 6 years for. I was pleased to see it finally get added. Unfortunately, it looks like Agents are limited in their ability to share tickets since they don’t view tickets in the same manner as a requester does. Are there plans to expand ticket sharing functionality to the Agent portal as well?

Gotcha! So the user should be able to see the ticket in the support portal, but they need to make sure that they are not inadvertently applying a filter or sort that would hide it from view. Have the user set the view of tickets to “All” and make sure its not filtered by “created by me”. Lastly and most important the user has to belong to the department that is assigned to the ticket and be set to view all tickets from this department. That does expose the user to tickets that maybe they should not have access to.
It seems to me that the shared ticket feature would make the most sense in this case. Here is the solution article from freshworks on how this should function
Sorry for the misguided solution about the requested for field. Really the requested for field allows you to simply serve up a request on behalf of someone else and gives that context to the agent handling the ticket. Its the “can see all tickets for this department” and the changing of the ticket filters in the support portal that allow for visibility.
Hope that helps!

Is the manager using the “Requested For” and setting it to the reportee? Or are they simply raising a support ticket, setting themselves as the requester and unable to share the ticket with the reportee?
The share ticket feature that is available would allow the manager to share the ticket with the reportee so that the reportee would be able to see the ticket in the support portal and get notified of ticket updates.
But service items when configured in the service catalog allow a “Requested For” field where you can add the email address of the reportee and then the ticket will set the reportee as the requester allowing the reportee to view the ticket in the support portal and get all the normal ticket update notifications. This however does not work for incident tickets out of the box.
I am sure, depending on your organizational needs, a workflow or specific configuration could be done to help solve this problem.
I plan on grabbing some time with the “Head of Product” for freshservice. I will see if I can get any further information on ticket collaboration.
Our company had been consulting with FreshWorks on how some of this could work and they had laid our a sharing feature roadmap about 4 months ago with a Q1, and I believe they said aiming for end of January release (if it’s anything like the release of the new Knowledge base module I expect this to slip).
In their new depreciation of features article:
They casually mention
“Explore and transition to our Slack and MS Teams based collaboration capabilities, or stay tuned for our upcoming “Share Ticket” feature.”
But not much more context with it, it’s gone a bit dark, but I do believe its in active development.
Has anyone heard of any headway on this, we just moved form JIRA SM and realized this was a lacking feature and needless to say, it has ruffled some feathers.
Has anyone seen any updates that this will be improved. We just moved into FreshService from JIRA (not JSM) and a lot of our missing the collaboration functionality we use to have.
Sharing is a great add, but agents need to be able to share as well, or better yet, just make CC’ing someone the same thing as sharing, also add the ability to just @ someone.
I also hope to see any progress on these 3 points
In fact, I hope there will be also a number 4: Edit the Shared ticket notification.
When you share a ticket, there is a notification going out to the requester that has been added
But we don’t have the functionality of editing that mail.
Agreed on both points. I know in my previous discussions, this is really a first pass at getting the collaboration baked in there. There are 3 things I’m looking for in the next iteration:
- Ability to remove sharers/watchers from a ticket
- Agent ability to add sharers and watchers (requesters) to a ticket
- Activities log tracking the adding/removal of sharers - This is a critical one from an audit perspective especially with restricted groups.
And it would be good to see who the ticket is shared to as agent.
A note if you share a ticket to someone that requester can share it again to someone else.
I agree, surprised no one thought of this as they were implementing the feature. This is particularly important for businesses like ours which have gone all in on enterprise service management where we have many business users who are also agents.
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