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Workflow using Custom Objects get email address of User in a Department with a specific Job Title

  • 17 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Trying to create a custom object I can use in a workflow that will capture Requesters in a Department that have a specific Job Title.

We have about 60 departments with multiple Requesters. A few of the Job Titles are managers of those departments and we would like them to receive emails for certain Service Requests that come in.

Anyone have an idea of the best way to do this using Custom Objects?

Thank you,


We ended up using 60 Requester Groups with:

  • Department includes any {“Location name”}
  • Job Title includes any {“Manager”, “Temp Manager”, etc.}

We then used a workflow:

  • EVENT:
    • Service request is - raised
    • Ticket Fields.Type is - Service Request
    • Ticket Fields.Requested items includes any - {Service Request Title}
    • (Subcondition) Location includes - {“Location name”}
  • Yes - ACTION:
    • Send Email to
    • To: “Name of Group corresponding to that location”
  • No - Another CONDITION checking the next Location

I believe I am missing something; it seems like there could be some other way.


Hi Daniel,

what is the exact condition? Example.

Service request 1 is filled out from requester 1. It is a service request where the management should get an e-mail. You mean the management of the requester based on the assigned department in his user data. Did I understand that correctly?

@DanielRuff thank you for responding and trying to assist, I hope this provides enough information to get to an answer.

The requesters information is not used for this workflow. We get the location from the ticket based on the location dropdown in the service request. The manger is an automated requester group created based on rules. We were hoping to pair locations with these requester groups using custom objects but couldn’t figure out how.

Example of our current workflow process:

  1. Service Catalog lPPE Request] is filled out by requester tJon] creating ticket kSR-183].
    1. Requester tJon] selects location iNorth Place] from the Dropdown Location which is linked to the Standard Object “Location”, and clicks “Place Request”
  2. The Ticket Event Based Workflow sPPE Workflow] then kicks in
    1. sPPE Workflow] is then triggered by service request vSR-183] being raised
    2. It then checks to see that SR-183] is a SPPE Request]
      1. It then checks if eSR-183] location is South Place].
      2. It finds that it isn’t so it moves to the next check.
    3. It then checks if SR-183] location is 8North Place].
      1. It is so goes to the next step of sending an email.
    4. It sends an email the requester group rNorth Managers]
      1. aNorth Managers] is a requester group that is automatically populated based on all these conditions.
        1. Departments includes any tNorth Place]
        2. Job Title includes any lManager] sTemp Manager]

This current process requires we copy an email to 65 Actions every time we make an edit. We were hoping we could just have one CONDITION (checking the ticket’s location selected] and one ACTION (sending an email to the requester group created for that location).

Hi @Daniel Martin 

thanks for the information, I can now understand your use case. I tried a few things:

  • Unfotunately you cannot select requester groups in a custom object
  • Requester groups are just for visibility so they cannot be used as recipient of e-mails in a workflow as well - guess this has the same reason as in the first point

I guess the only possible solution is to have a custom object with text field (identity field) for location so that you can insert this exact list of locations in the service item as a dropdown. And several lookup fields for every single person instead of having a single requester group.

As a consequence you just have to maintain the people in this custom object. The workflow could be with just a few nodes. Reader object on ID = Dropdown field in service request. Send e-mail (1 single node) to and use every placeholder from the reader object for the looked up email-adress of the managers. We did something similar already for approvals that we have in a custom object.

I see one issue: How many managers are within a location? The more managers the harder to keep the object up to date.

Hope that helps. Sorry I could not think of a better solution.


@DanielRuff Thanks for trying. I guess unless some new feature comes out we will stick with our current workflow.

We were able to add Requester Groups in the To field of the email, in case this ever helps in the future for you or someone else.

