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"forward" ticket from freshdesk to zendesk


One of our partener is using a zendesk solution while we are on freshdesk instances.

We need to forward him some of our tickets.

I set up a rule that do a webhook on the tickets we need to forward.

The ticket is successfully created on the zendesk instance, but it miss one of a parameter.

The weird thing is that my JSON request via curl is working as expected but once in the webhook parameters (copy/paste), there's a parameter that refuse to be set on the "remote" ticket.

I have a custom field on zendesk I need to fill with the ticket id from freshdesk that is not filled in. I tried to set it up with a "hard" value, still no luck but with the same json request with curl, it works well.

If some of you got ideas about what could be wrong.

Here is my json request: (as used on curl -d option)

    "request": {
        "requester": {
            "name": "{{}}",
            "email": "{{}}"
        "subject": "Escalated from partner -  {{ticket.subject}}",
        "comment": {
            "html_body": "{{ticket.description}}"
        "custom_fields": [
                "id": "XXXXXXX",
                "value": "{{}}"

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3 replies

Community Debut

Mathieu - We have logged this as a ticket for you which should enable our support team to reach out to you and assist you on this.


  • Community Debut
  • 1 reply
  • September 28, 2020


I am trying to do the same (forward ticket from Fresdesk to Zendesk) but no success.

I create a custom status and configure an automation to trigger a webook that will POST to my Zendesk URL with a JSON request.

(If Status is Forward to Zendesk Trigger Webhook Method-: POST Url-:

Unfortunately, it's not success. Therefore, it would be really appreciated if you could guide me how to achieve this.

Thank you very much.


Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 626 replies
  • April 9, 2021

Hello Suppasak,


In case you are still facing any issue with forwarding tickets from Freshdesk to Zendesk, please share the API JSON request passed and the response you got in return to check this further. Alternately, you can write to with the requested details and we would be happy to help! 



Freshdesk Community Team