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Appending Strings in oauth_config

  • September 13, 2017
  • 2 replies

I'm trying to minimize the amount of parameters that I need in order to setup an app. In my Oauth configuration, I'm passing in parameters from the parameters file. My oauth_config.yml looks something like this:


client_id: {{iparam.client_id}}
client_secret: {{iparam.client_secret}}
authorize_url: {{iparam.authorize_url}}
token_url: {{iparam.token_url}}
token_type: "account"

The output of authorize url is something like"

I want my authorize URL and my token URL to have a base URL that I'm already using as a parameter that I'm using in another application. 

Instead of making a separate parameter authorize_url, it would be really cool if I could do something like this.

client_id: {{iparam.client_id}}
client_secret: {{iparam.client_secret}}
authorize_url: "{{iparam.service_url}}/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={{iparam.client_id}}&"
token_url: {{iparam.token_url}}
token_type: "account"


is there a good way to accomplish this?

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2 replies

Hi Albert,

We don not support dynamic substitution of oAuth config right now.



  • Community Debut
  • 32 replies
  • September 14, 2017

Hello Albert,

Could you also perhaps briefly describe why the oauth_config needs to be dynamic this way? We have not come across this request before and would like to understand it better so we could consider supporting something like this in the future.
