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Avoiding unanswered tickets

  • December 20, 2018
  • 2 replies

The scenario I'm trying to fix is as follows;

A user logs a ticket and one of my Helpdesk staff picks it up. They start to deal with the issue and they add a private note to the ticket. But they don't reply to the ticket to let the user know that they've started dealing with it.

Obviously the most important thing is to let the user know that we've started to assist.
The suplementary issue is that the ticket remains marked as "New".

What I'd like to happen is that when an Agent adds a note to a "New" ticket and then the ticket remains "New" for, perhaps, 30 minutes, then the Agent and the Helpdesk Supervisor get notified that there is a problem.

Could this be done with a Dispatchr or Supervisor rule?


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2 replies


As far as I am aware you cannot test if the status is New. Dispatcher rules only run once, and only the first that applies is executed. If you do not use them, than maybe you could create a status "New". What you want is not available as a standard solution.

Just a suggestion which would need testing:

With an Observer rule, you can change the status when an agent adds a note (first check status is open). You could create a special status (e.g. Note added). But there is no distinction between public and private note.

In theory with a second Observer rule you can change the status again when an agent adds a reply (check if status is "Note added"). But probably a better solution would be for the agent to change the status (pending, waiting for customer, whatever applicable). The issue with a second Observer rule might be a conflict with the option for an agent to choose a status when sending a reply.

A more reliable option might be to use a new ticket field instead of a status code and to change this with Observer rules.

After that it should be easier to use a Supervisor rule to check, but that can only be specified in hours and Supervisor rules only run each hour. So 30 mins after an event is not possible.

The above is by no means perfect but might work.

If your real issue is that you want the user to know that you've started to assist, you can also automatically send an email, based on an Observer rule when a note is added. I would still use a special code to avoid customers getting multiple emails if more notes are added (again new ticket field more reliable than ticket status), but observer rule only to be applied: if status = open and new ticket field = unchecked, when note is added. And again, if the agent adds a public note, the customer would still get an email. Don't see how to avoid that, but it also depends on your standard way of handling tickets. 

Hope this helps.

  • Contributor
  • 11 replies
  • December 27, 2018

Hello! :) 

Well, we had that issue too.

Then we created a scenario called "In Progress"

What it is doing :
1. The agent saw the new ticket
2. The agent executes an "In progress" scenario

3. A private note is added to the ticket thank says "Sent "In Progress" scenario" - so all agents know who sent it and that the ticket is in progress

4. Mail notification is sent to the requester that says "Your request is in progress, we will contact you ASAP " 

And that's it :)

Hope it helped!

Have a good day

