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Sorting Issue - Sort based on Waiting Since

  • 16 April 2019
  • 1 reply

Our reps are asked to reply to tickets in a FIRST IN, FIRST OUT order.

Specifically, reply to all OPEN TICKETS, with the ticket that has been "WAITING SINCE" the longest (not the total age of the ticket).

In ticket view, you have the ability to add a column called "Waiting Since".

The sort by command, however, does not provide this field for sorting.

The closest is "Modified Since" but that has many sigificant flaws to it (modified since date changes if you add notes OR even open a ticket).

Can we get "WATING SINCE" added as an option in SORT BY?

Is there another way to view OPEN sorted in this fashion?

Thanks in advance,

This seems crazy that you wouldn't have this function available we have customers getting lost across the list as we can't prioritise the oldest tickets
