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is it possible to have the item selection from an existing bundle which is part of another bundle?

If I add the bundle to the service request I only have the selection for the custom fields but not the items added in that bundle.


For example, this is the bundle when choosing it directly from the service catalogue:



And this is what it looks like, when it’s added to another service request within a bundle:


This would be a very practical way to summarize service requests and make them clearer.


Best regards


Far as I know you can’t do it. 

Hello @Malte, as @Daniel Söderlund mentioned this is not possible. We were hoping for this functionality as well, especially when it came to allocating service items to kits in the Employee Onboarding module. With a limit of 30 service items available for selection when onboarding an employee, it would have been nice to bundle up things into categorized bundles (ex. Desktop Hardware, Laptop Hardware, etc) and add them as a single service item to that kit.

I suggest adding it as a idea here so we can upvote it and maybe get it in front of the product teams.

Hi @Daniel Söderlund and @zachary.king 

thank you for you reply, I submitted this as an idea:
