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Filter based on Form it was created at

  • 2 July 2024
  • 1 reply

On my portal i have 2 different forms for my customers, creating different types of tickets. 
Now i would love to set up a filter for my agents to only see tickets that are created in a specific form. 
If you view the details of a ticket, there is the information about the os, the form,… but i cant find a way to use this as a filter. 

Reason i need this:
I need to have asome kind of identification on my tickets that 

  1. are unique based on what kind ot ticket they are
  2. are not changeable by anyone after creation

if there is another way help would be appreciated, thanks


1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hi @christian.g,

Greetings from Freshworks comunity. I understand that you want to differentiate tickets based on the forms they were created from. To achieve this, you can set up a ticket creation automation. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to Admin > Automation > Ticket Creation.
  2. Create a new automation rule.
  3. Add a condition to either move the ticket to a specific group based on the form it came from or add a tag to the ticket to indicate the form used.

This way, you can easily filter tickets based on their tags or groups, allowing your agents to view tickets from specific forms. Please refer,FILTERS,-panel%20is%20on on how to use ticket fiters

I hope this helps!
